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June 13, 2023

Rick Speech

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June 5, 2023

The Bigger Issue & Why It Matters So Much

Rick Warren’s Testimony at the 2022 SBC in Anaheim
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June 5, 2023

Rick Warren’s Testimony at the 2022 SBC in Anaheim

Rick Warren Address SBC Messengers in Anaheim (2022)

SBC at the Crossroads

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June 5, 2023

Part 1: “Denial or Revival?”

Contributing factors to the 17-year decline of the denomination and biblical steps to recovery and revitalization

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June 7, 2023

Part 2: “What is a B.A.P.T.I.S.T.?”

Baptists’ historic identity and the 7 unique distinctives that once made the SBC a powerhouse of Great Commission growth

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June 1, 2023

Part 3: “New Testament Case for the Ministry of Women”

New Testament passages that support the Great Commission ministry of women following a three-year study

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June 1, 2023

Part 4: “Acts 1-2 Twelve Step Recovery for Churches and the SBC”

Holy Spirit-led principles from Scripture that reveal a pathway for renewing churches to revive a declining denomination

We’re never going to achieve unity on doctrine, but we can achieve unity on mission.

There are 2.6 billion Christians in the world affiliated with various faith communities and denominations. We may disagree over baptism, the Lord’s Supper, doctrine about Mary and a dozen other things. But, when it comes to training up evangelists, we’re not starting from scratch in the endeavor to partner in the Great Commission. 
Recognizing that many of these 2.6 billion individuals are cultural Christians who may need to be re-energized or even re-evangelized, this figure still means that one out of every three people on this planet is already saying, “I believe Jesus is the Son of God who died on the Cross for my sins and rose again.” That means the Church is bigger than China and India together. The Church is bigger than China and the U.S. and Europe. Together we’re the biggest entity on the planet.
Nothing is bigger than the Church of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we need to figure out a way to mobilize the whole Church. If every person who identifies as a Christian, or more specifically a follower of Jesus, was trained to share their faith and only talked to two other people – everyone could hear the Gospel.

We’re never going to achieve unity on doctrine, but we can achieve unity on mission.
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